If you’ve ever had to repair a broken toilet, shower head, or clogged sink, you know that plumbing problems aren’t something you ever want to experience again. For many people, the thought of dealing with plumbing issues is a nightmare. But the good news is that with the right information and tools, you can avoid plumbing problems in the first place and know exactly what to look for if you ever encounter one again. If you have friends or family members who aren’t as familiar with plumbing as you, it can be helpful to explain what it all means. There are several common plumbing issues that can occur in any home or apartment. If yours is showing any of these signs, it’s a good idea to get it checked out before the problem gets worse and something more serious happens.

Leaking faucets and pipes

If you have faucets that drip when they’re not supposed to, a leaking pipe is the most likely culprit. The water in these pipes is usually coming from somewhere else nearby that has a larger pipe connected to it. If there’s a crack in your pipes, water from the main line can seep into the smaller pipes and cause them to leak. This can be very worrisome because it’s hard to pinpoint the exact location of the leak. Luckily, this type of problem is fairly easy to fix. The best solution is to call a plumber and repair the leaking pipe. If you have a main line that runs through the wall, it’s best to call a contractor to avoid a major mess.

Bursting pipes

You might notice that one section of your plumbing looks swollen or bulging. If it happens in your crawl space, it’s probably a natural result of the soil expanding and contracting as it absorbs and releases moisture from the ground. It’s important not to try to force the pipe back in place — this can cause more damage and make the problem worse. If the pipe has been in that spot for a while, you should call a plumber because it may be time for a new one. If the pipe is in the house, the problem is usually related to water pressure. There may be a leaky faucet or a faulty W-C valve that needs to be replaced. An old and worn-out W-C valve can cause pipes to bust — it’s important to replace these every 10 years.

Running toilet

A running toilet is a serious emergency. This is usually a sign that the float switch in the tank is broken. A float switch is a simple device that turns the toilet off while it’s refilling. If this part breaks, the toilet will keep running and will eventually overflow with water. This can be very dangerous and should be fixed right away. You might be able to fix it yourself by purchasing a new float switch, but it’s important to turn off the water before you start working on it. If the float switch is broken, the best thing to do is to contact a plumber and get it fixed as soon as possible.

Clogged drains

Drains are notorious for getting clogged, but there are a few things you can do to prevent it from happening again. First of all, try to avoid placing items like paper towels and diapers that could potentially clog up the pipes in the first place. The best way to dispose of these items is to throw them in the trash. Another thing to avoid is putting large amounts of cooking oil and grease into the drain, as it can harden and cause a clog. If you do find that your drains are clogged, the best thing to do is to call a plumber to clear them out.

Growths on the inside of pipes

If you have a pipe that has grown roots and shoots inside of it, this is an obvious sign that you need a plumber. Pipes expand and contract depending on the weather, so it’s not uncommon for them to get roots growing inside of them. If a pipe is leaking or if there’s a lot of condensation in the air, the roots can spread quickly and cause a lot of damage. If you have a growing plant in a pot on your kitchen counter, it’s important to keep it away from the pipes. If you have a cactus or another type of plant in a planter, it’s best to remove it from the pipes.


When it comes to keeping your home healthy and clean, plumbing is often an area that people forget about. But a dirty or clogged plumbing system can lead to a lot of different problems. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to keep your pipes clean and extend their lifespan. There are plenty of ways to avoid plumbing problems in the future, but you need to be aware of what types of issues could arise in your home.

Frequently Asked Question

  • Keeping the Water On During an Emergency
  • Overusing Drain Cleaners
  • Fixing Plumbing Issues on Your Own
  • Ignoring a Plumbing Issue
  • Using a Handyman Instead of a Licensed Plumber
  • Turning Off Your Heater in the Winter
  • Not Scheduling Plumbing Service
  • Have the Right Tools for the Job
  • Turn off All Water Before You Start
  • Use Natural Methods to Unclog Your Drains
  • Don't Put Trash in Your Garbage Disposal
  • Don't Overtighten Plumbing Connections
  • Don't Hesitate to Call for Help
Maintenance may also include inspection of your garbage disposal lines (and unit), dishwasher, and washing machine hoses and lines. Maintenance sometimes consists of a drain and flush of the water heater. If you've purchased a plumbing maintenance plan, read the fine print and always ask for clarification.
  • Over Tightening Plumbing Connections
  • Using Inappropriate Tape or Wrapping a Thread Tape Backwards
  • Using Drain Line Cleaners as the First Option
  • Handling Plumbing Jobs without the Necessary Spare Parts
  • Failing to Turn Off Water
  • Using Excessive Force on Valves Stuck on Shut Off