In order to ensure you have a working plumbing system for many years to come, you need to be proactive about checking for issues and regularly performing maintenance on your plumbing system. However, many people find themselves constantly playing catch-up because they don’t know how to properly maintain their home’s plumbing system. Maintaining your plumbing is not difficult, but there are a few common problems that may arise that could leave you with some nasty water damage if left unchecked. In order to avoid a plumbing disaster, keep an eye out for the following situations as they could be signs that your home’s plumbing system is in need of some serious help:
One of the most common plumbing problems is clogged drains. The most common cause of clogged drains is hair, which can become trapped in the trap or in the pipes and slowly collect over time. In order to prevent this problem from becoming a much larger issue, be sure to use a strainer in your kitchen sink to catch hair before it has a chance to clog up your pipes. Additionally, try to avoid putting items like towels and paper towels, coffee grounds and food scraps down the toilet as this can lead to clogged drains. If your home is in need of new plumbing, consider adding in a kitchen sink-style disposal so that you can quickly and easily grind up items like bones, nuts and corn cobs to help avoid clogged drains.
Another fairly common plumbing issue is no hot water. This problem is typically the result of a break in the hot water line, which could be caused by a variety of factors such as a tree root growing into the pipes, a frozen pipe or a build-up of scale in your water heater. If you’re experiencing no hot water, you will want to contact a plumber as soon as possible to fix the problem, otherwise it could lead to a very cold shower. If your home has a gas hot water heater, it is important to have an emergency shut-off valve nearby, as well as a carbon monoxide monitor so that you can quickly alert the fire department if there is a leak. If your home has an electric water heater, you can protect against leaks by installing a submersion-proof electric water heater blanket.
A common problem that many homeowners have to deal with is leaking faucets and fixtures. This issue can be the result of a variety of factors, including a faulty washer or a damaged valve stem, a build-up of scale in the shut-off valve or an issue with the pipes that supply water to the faucet. If you experience this issue, the first step is to turn off the water supply to the faucet and then open a nearby faucet to see if you can discover the source of the problem. If you can’t fix the issue, you will want to contact a plumber as soon as possible.
As mentioned above, a common issue that many homeowners experience is a build-up of scale in the pipes. This issue is the result of a lack of flow in your pipes, which can be caused by a variety of issues, including a clogged pipe, frozen pipes or a faulty shut-off valve. In order to prevent this issue from becoming a much larger issue, you will want to contact a plumber as soon as possible to get your pipes cleaned out. Additionally, you may want to consider installing a water softener to reduce the amount of scale that is building up in your pipes.
This is one of the most common problems that many home owners experience. A faulty toilet flange, a broken toilet fill valve or a broken toilet seat can result in a variety of issues, including water leaking onto the floor, a build-up of excess scale that can result in a clogged pipe and an unpleasant stench. If you experience this issue, the first step is to turn off the water supply to the toilet and then remove the toilet bowl in order to inspect the problem. If you can’t fix the issue, you will want to contact a plumber as soon as possible.
If your home was built on an older property, it is likely that you have experienced a bend in your pipes. This issue is the result of the soil shifting, which can lead to a variety of issues, including a build-up of excess scale and leaking pipes. If you experience this issue, you will want to turn off the water supply to the affected pipe and then have a plumber come out and repair the issue.
Proper maintenance of your plumbing system is an important part of owning a home. Without proper maintenance, you run the risk of having an expensive plumbing issue that you will have to fix. However, in order to avoid these issues, it is important to know what to look for when trying to fix plumbing problems.